Every man deserves a Vacation.

When you take your 3-, 6- or 12-month Vacation
from drinking, you’ll set a course to restore your
health and get smarter with your drinking for good.

Welcome to the party, dude.

The side effects of normal drinking don’t have to be YOUR normal.

The brain fog. The increased stress. The extra weight.

The aches and pains. The poor sleep. The future, soul-crushing medical bills.

Most guys think crap like this comes with getting older.

Screw that. It’s time to take a Vacation instead!

Taking a Vacation isn’t a buzzkill.

It’s more like getting your superpowers back.

Dude, your Vacation is going to be a game-changer.

Whether you take 3, 6, or 12 months, here are a few big things to expect when you take yours:


Enjoy Better Health

You’ll look and feel better than you have in years. The ladies will love it, and you will, too.


Have More Fun

Drinking keeps you stuck in a rut, but a Vacation opens up a world of massive opportunities.


Rock Your Life

Play harder. Have more money. Be more present. Kill it at work. Have better sex. (Yep, that’s right.)

Once you start, we’ve got your back.

You’re not going to be out on your own island here.

Here’s what’s heading your way when you start your Vacation:


The Vacationer’s Playbook - This handy PDF will help make sure you get the most out of your break.


Weekly Email Check-ins - By answering a few quick questions every Sunday, you'll see how to stay on track and smash your goals.


Booze Vacation community access - Join guys who have already set sail on their Vacations in our private FB group. (Coming soon.)


Access to exclusive Vacationer-only community events, resources, contests, and more…

And did we mention that all of this will cost you absolutely NADA?!

It’s FREE, bro!

How to choose the right Vacation for you

At its core, the Booze Vacation idea is really simple–don’t drink for several months so you can improve your health and relationship with drinking.

To pull it off, though, you need to decide how long to actually go for.

A 3-month Vacation

is perfect for the guy who wants to test the waters and start getting smarter
with his alcohol use.

A 6-month Vacation

is just long enough for your brain and body to really heal. It’s a smarter way to hit ‘reset’ on you and booze.

A 12-month Vacation

is for the guy who wants maximum results. Period.

How to choose the right Vacation for you

At its core, the Booze Vacation idea is really simple–don’t drink for several months so you can improve your health and relationship with drinking.

To pull it off, though, you need to decide how long to actually go for.

A 3-month Vacation

is perfect for the guy who wants to test the waters and start getting smarter
with his alcohol use.

A 6-month Vacation

is just long enough for your brain and body to really heal. It’s a smarter way to hit ‘reset’ on you and booze.

A 12-month Vacation

is for the guy who wants maximum results. Period.

What dudes are saying about Booze Vacation

All of my evening activities seemed to center around booze. On my Booze Vacation, I realized that it’s not the booze that makes those events fun.

Rob, age 49

I didn’t realize how much ‘regular responsible drinking’ had affected my energy and performance levels until I took my Booze Vacation. I’m so glad I did.

Scott, age 39

Let’s get this party started.

(Here’s how to do this Vacation thing.)

Resetting your body and relationship with drinking shouldn’t feel like some impossible mountain to climb.

Here’s all you’ve got to do:

Decide how long your Vacation will be

Once you decide, you are already winning!

Simply choose the Vacation length that most aligns with your goals and bust a move.

Hit the “Start My Vacation” button

By hitting the button, you’re headed out for the big leagues.

You’ll get access to the Booze Vacation community and some exclusive resources to make sure you rock your break.

See your commitment through

It won’t always be smooth sailing, but it’s easier than you think.

You’ll look great. You’ll feel great. And never want to go back to your pre-Vacation ‘normal’ once you’re done.

Wait….why is this free?!

No, we’re not going to sell your data.

And hopping aboard won’t turn into a giant upsell or infomercial.

We just want to see a million guys revolutionize their lives by taking a Booze Vacation.

If you want our super-in depth guide or some one-on-one coaching with Clifford or Sloan to turbocharge your time off the sauce, you can chip in some coin for that.

But we want to see more dudes kick ass longer—and have as many guys as possible join the party.

Not ready for a Vacation yet?

We get it.

But don’t kick the beer can down the road.

You can still do things today to get smarter with you and booze.

Vacation your way to an easier life.

Bro, we’re not going to twist your arm here.

A Vacation is yours for the taking. Whenever you’re ready.

We all hope you join the party.