Resources to Navigate Getting Smarter With Your Drinking
Use the resources below to:
Get educated on what booze is really doing to you
Understand the physiology and psychology of regular drinking
Find motivation to get smarter with your drinking for good
Booze Vacation Resources

Free On-Demand Training
If you’re regularly drinking, you are on a very predictable path toward losing your health.
But you don’t have to be. In this training, we’ll take a deep dive into how booze is bamboozling you — and exactly what you need to do to get your health back and keep it for good.

The You vs. Booze Assessment
Want clarity on how recreational drinking is affecting your health and quality of life?
Take this assessment, get your custom report, and find out.

The Booze Vacation MANifesto
Regular drinking holds dudes back. But most don’t know it.
This short, hard-hitting ebook is the fastest — and most fun — thing you can read to start getting smarter with your drinking.

Take a One-Week Challenge
Not ready for your own break? But still want to take action?
Each of our One-Week Challenges are designed for you to take a practical step that helps you get a little smarter with your drinking.

Alcohol vs. Your Sleep
Sure, night caps are nice, and it’s fun to stay up hanging with the boys.
But if you care about your productivity and your health, you don’t want to miss this in-depth report.

“But what about my social life?” Video Series
Thinking about how to be social without alcohol is a huge hangup for most guys when they consider taking a break.
In this short video series, Clifford explains the mindset shifts and practical tactics you need to make this a lot less awkward and a lot more fun.

Things to Do to Prepare for a Booze Vacation
Considering a break and want a sneak peek to see what it’s all about?
This brief checklist will show you exactly what we tell Vacationers to do to make sure they are set up to rock their break.

The Booze Vacation Credo
Need a quick shot of motivation?
These 10 quick-hitting statements describe what the Booze Vacation movement is all about.
Resources That Inspire Us

Alcohol Lied to Me by Craig Beck
This 4-hour audiobook changed Clifford’s life…and sparked the idea that later became Booze Vacation.
We highly recommended it on Audible on 1.2x speed for commutes and motivation on the go.
Huberman Labs on Alcohol
At Booze Vacation, all the shit we talk about booze is rooted in science.
If you want to take an even deeper dive into all the ways that alcohol is screwing your physiology, we can’t recommend this 2-hour podcast episode enough.
Worried You Have An Alcohol Problem?
Sometimes recreational drinking can be a slippery slope.
If you think you’re struggling with addiction, Booze Vacation is rooting for your recovery. But we can’t give you the support you ultimately need.
Please click one of the buttons below to check out an A.A. meeting near you or go to Google to search for a therapist or treatment center near you.